- Destination Truth: Season 1 (DVD) Average Rating: (5.0) stars out of 5 stars 3 ratings, based on 3 reviews. Universal Studios. Walmart # 570295713.
- Error: please try again. Josh and team search the Papua New Guinea coast for a mermaid locals call the Ri, and then hunt for a creature said to resemble an Iguanodon near the village of Tinganavudu. Error: please try again. The Team travels to Thailand to investigate claims of a haunted village. The Team then visits the Thailand-Laos.
Robot arena for mac. Every week, Josh Gates, a world adventurer and eager truth-seeker, and his small crew of production buddies visit a different international destination alleged to be the home of a notorious, supernatural or mysterious creature, such as the Chilean Chupacabra, as well as some lesser-known phenomena, such as the dinosaur-like creatures reported in the skies over Papua New Guinea, a haunted.

Destination Truth Season 1 Ep 2

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As originally seen on the SyFy channel, the reality show Destination Truth finds paranormal researcher-cum-adventurer extraordinaire Josh Gates as he tools around the world attempting to validate various myths, particularly cryptozoological tales about Bigfoot, Chupacabra, the Loch Ness Monster, and other creatures of lore. This particular set contains all six episodes from Season 1, which originally aired in June and July 2007. They find Gates seeking out such legends as El Pombero, The Ropen, The Ri and The Phaya Naga. Bonus features include Extreme Travel Tips and Audio Commentary with Gates.